Washington Hawthorn (1-2' seedling)
Latin Name: Crataegus phaenopyrum Family: Rosaceae (Rose)
USDA hardiness zone: 5
Growth habit: Medium tree
Mature size: 32ft x 32ft
Native range: Western North America
Preferred habitat: Forest edges, hedges, full sun
Pollinators: Bees
Edible parts: Fruit
Uses and functions: Firewood, livestock fencing
Wild, fast growing and very thorny tree with an undefeatable attitude! Profusions of white flower clusters in the spring attract many pollinators, and the soft, palatable semi-sweet fruit ripe in fall are used in herbalism. Trees thrive in hedges, and can be coppiced for animal fencing and hot-burning firewood. Self fertile, two or more will make more fruit.
Latin Name: Crataegus phaenopyrum Family: Rosaceae (Rose)
USDA hardiness zone: 5
Growth habit: Medium tree
Mature size: 32ft x 32ft
Native range: Western North America
Preferred habitat: Forest edges, hedges, full sun
Pollinators: Bees
Edible parts: Fruit
Uses and functions: Firewood, livestock fencing
Wild, fast growing and very thorny tree with an undefeatable attitude! Profusions of white flower clusters in the spring attract many pollinators, and the soft, palatable semi-sweet fruit ripe in fall are used in herbalism. Trees thrive in hedges, and can be coppiced for animal fencing and hot-burning firewood. Self fertile, two or more will make more fruit.
Latin Name: Crataegus phaenopyrum Family: Rosaceae (Rose)
USDA hardiness zone: 5
Growth habit: Medium tree
Mature size: 32ft x 32ft
Native range: Western North America
Preferred habitat: Forest edges, hedges, full sun
Pollinators: Bees
Edible parts: Fruit
Uses and functions: Firewood, livestock fencing
Wild, fast growing and very thorny tree with an undefeatable attitude! Profusions of white flower clusters in the spring attract many pollinators, and the soft, palatable semi-sweet fruit ripe in fall are used in herbalism. Trees thrive in hedges, and can be coppiced for animal fencing and hot-burning firewood. Self fertile, two or more will make more fruit.