Pallid-leafed Liquroice (3.5" pot)
Latin Name: Glycyrrhiza pallidiflora Family: Fabaceae (Bean)
USDA hardiness zone: 5
Growth habit: Tall herb
Mature size: 5’
Native range: East Asia
Preferred habitat: Well drained garden soil, full sun.
Pollinators: Bees
Uses and functions: Valuable medicinal used in TCM. Incredibly pungent and fragrant leaves with heady, skunky aroma.
Latin Name: Glycyrrhiza pallidiflora Family: Fabaceae (Bean)
USDA hardiness zone: 5
Growth habit: Tall herb
Mature size: 5’
Native range: East Asia
Preferred habitat: Well drained garden soil, full sun.
Pollinators: Bees
Uses and functions: Valuable medicinal used in TCM. Incredibly pungent and fragrant leaves with heady, skunky aroma.
Latin Name: Glycyrrhiza pallidiflora Family: Fabaceae (Bean)
USDA hardiness zone: 5
Growth habit: Tall herb
Mature size: 5’
Native range: East Asia
Preferred habitat: Well drained garden soil, full sun.
Pollinators: Bees
Uses and functions: Valuable medicinal used in TCM. Incredibly pungent and fragrant leaves with heady, skunky aroma.